About Us
About Us

The Center for Quantum Science and Engineering (CQSE) at the National Taiwan University (NTU), established under the leadership of the first Director, Academician Prof. Shih-I Chu, and the efforts from other NTU faculty members in late 2009, was the first forefront quantum science center in Taiwan. As a University Research Center, CQSE has members from various Departments/Institutes of NTU including Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Information Engineering, Material Science and Engineering as well as Institute of Applied Mechanics and Center for Condensed Matters Sciences.
CQSE aims at the achievement of the following intermediate goals:
- Developing cutting-edge research areas in quantum science and technology
- Exploring the frontiers of quantum information science and technology
- Fostering an intellectually stimulating environment for research interaction and collaboration
- promoting synergy of expertise in different but related disciplines, and facilitating closer interactions between quantum theorists and experimentalists in NTU, Taiwan and international community
- Nurturing young leading experts of the next generations in quantum science and engineering
- Sponsoring and/or co-sponsoring the interdisciplinary programs and activities, including seminar series, distinguished lectures, visitor program, workshops, etc
The long-term goals are to make breakthroughs in both fundamental quantum sciences and advanced quantum technology, and to foster CQSE to be a world leading research center in quantum science and engineering.