Advanced AMO Sciences and Technology
王喬萱 (Chiao-Hsuan, Wang)
- Quantum capacities of transducers, C.-H. Wang, F. Li, and L. Jiang, arXiv:2203.00012 (2022)
- Generalized matching condition for unity efficiency quantum transduction, C.-H. Wang, M. Zhang, and L. Jiang, arXiv:2202.06960 (2022)
- Chiral anomaly in (1+1) dimensions revisited: complementary kinetic perspective and universality, Wei-Han Hsiao and C.-H. Wang, arXiv:2201.02844 (2022)
- Autonomous quantum error correction and quantum computation, J. Lebreuilly, K. Noh, C.-H. Wang, S. M. Girvin, and L. Jiang, arXiv:2103.05007 (2021)
- Photon-number dependent Hamiltonian engineering for cavities, C.-H. Wang, K. Noh, J. Lebreuilly, S. M. Girvin, and L. Jiang, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 044026 (2021)
- Waveguide Cavity Optomagnonics for Broadband Multimode Microwave-to-Optics Con- version, N. Zhu, X. Zhang, X. Han, C-L Zou, C. Zhong, C.-H. Wang, L. Jiang, and H. X. Tang, Optica 7, 1291 (2020)
- Theory of Bose condensation of light via laser cooling of atoms, C.-H. Wang, M. J. Gullans, J. V. Porto, W. D. Phillips, and J. M. Taylor, Phys. Rev. A 99, 031801(R) (2019)
- Photon thermalization via laser cooling of atoms, C.-H. Wang, M. J. Gullans, J. V. Porto, W. D. Phillips, and J. M. Taylor, Phys. Rev. A 98, 013834 (2018)
- Optomechanical approach to controlling the temperature and chemical potential of light, C.-H. Wang and J. M. Taylor, Phys. Rev. A 97, 033850 (2018)
- Landauer formulation of photon transport in driven systems, C.-H. Wang and J. M. Taylor, Phys. Rev. B 94, 155437 (2016)
- Quantum model for entropic springs, C.-H. Wang and J. M. Taylor, Phys. Rev. B 93, 214102 (2016)
- Quantum corrections to entropic gravity, P. Chen and C.-H. Wang, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 28, 1340010 (2013)
- Where is ¯h hiding in entropic gravity?, P. Chen and C.-H. Wang, arXiv:1112.3078 (2011)
石明豐 (Ming-Feng, Shih)
- "Coherence controlled soliton interaction", Phys. Rev. Lett., (accepted 2004)
- "Partially incoherent optical vortices in self-focusing nonlinear media", Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 ,043904(2004)
- "Spatiotemporal optical modulation instability of coherent light in noninstantaneous nonlinear media", Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 , 133902 (2002)
- "Dynamic soliton-like modes", Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 , 2281(2001)
- "Induced coherence and stable soliton spiraling", Phys. Rev. Lett., 82 , 81(1999)
- "Energy-exchange interactions between colliding vector solitons", Phys. Rev. Lett., 83 , 2332(1999)
- "Three-dimensional Spiraling of Interacting Spatial Solitons", Phys. Rev. Lett., 78 , 2551-2554(1997)
朱士維 (Shih-Wei, Chu)
- Z.-Y. Chiao, Y.-C. Chen, J.-W. Chen, Y.-C. Chu, J.-W. Yang, T.-Y. Peng, W.-R. Syong, H. W. H. Lee, S.-W. Chu, and Y.-J. Lu*, “Full-Color Generation Enabled by Refractory Plasmonic Crystals”, Nanophotonics, accepted
- C.-L. Chung, T. Furieri, J.-Y. Lin, J.-C. Lee, Y.-F. Chen, M.-K. Pan, S. Bonora*, and S.-W. Chu*, ”Plug-and-play adaptive optics for two photon high-speed volumetric imaging,” JPhys Photonics 4, 024003 (2022) invited by special issue of “Focus on Ultrasound-Based Systems for Light Control”, accepted with an editor highlight
- G.-J. Huang, H.-Y. Chen, Y.-L. Tang, H. Ikuto, J. Takahara, K.-H. Lin*, and S.-W. Chu*, “Transient Super-/Sub-linear Nonlinearities in Silicon Nanostructures” Adv. Optical Mater., 2101711 (2022), inside Cover, reported by Wiley Advanced Science News, 微信公众号《化学与材料科学》
- C.-H. Li, Y.-L. Tang, J. Takahara, and S.-W. Chu*, “Nonlinear heating and scattering in a single crystalline silicon nanostructure” J. Chem. Phys. 155, 204202 (2021), invited by a special issue “Chemical Imaging”
- Y.-L. Tang, T.-H. Yen, K. Nishida, J. Takahara, T. Zhang, X. Li, K. Fujita, and S.-W. Chu*, “Mie-enhanced photothermal/thermo-optic nonlinearity and super-resolution imaging” Opt. Mat. Express 11, 3608-3626 (2021). Invited Review, top downloads in 2021 Nov-Dec.
- S.-H. Huang, N. Irawati, Y.-F. Chien, J.-Y. Lin, Y.-H. Tsai, P.-Y. Wang, L.-A. Chu, M.-L. Li, A.-S. Chiang, K. Tsia, and S.-W. Chu*, “Optical Volumetric Brain Imaging: Speed, Depth, and Resolution Enhancement” J. Phys. D 54, 323002 (2021). Invited Topical Review
- Y.-C. Huang, T.-H. Chen, J.-Y. Juo, S.-W. Chu, and C.-H. Hsieh*, “Imaging of Single Light-Absorbing Nanoparticles by Widefield Interferometric Photothermal Microscopy” ACS Photonics, 8, 592–602 (2021)
- Y.-F. Chien, J.-Y. Lin, P.-T. Yeh, K.-J. Hsu, Y.-H. Tsai, S.-K. Chen*, and S.-W. Chu*, “Dual GRIN lens two-photon endoscopy for high-speed volumetric and deep brain imaging” Biomed. Opt. Exp., 12, 162-172 (2021)
- Y.-S. Duh, Y. Nagasaki, Y.-L. Tang, P.-H. Wu, H.-Y. Cheng, T.-H Yen, H.-X. Ding, K. Nishida, I. Hotta, J.-H. Yang, Y.-P. Lo, K.-P. Chen, K. Fujita, C.-W. Chang, K.-H. Lin, J. Takahara, and S.-W. Chu*, “Giant photothermal nonlinearity in single silicon nanostructure,” Nature Communications, 11, 4101 (2020). Its online attention is in the top 2% of all research outputs (16,882,949) ever tracked by Altmetric. Reported by X-MOL (China), ScienMag, EurekAlert!, AlphaGalileo,, Nanowerk,, 7th Space Family Portal, NewsBeezer, 09/08 MOST/NTU press release, (自由時報、蘋果日報、經濟日報、台灣新生報、科技新報、東森新聞、中央廣播電台、Hinet新聞報、大紀元、EET Taiwan等)
- K. Nishida, G. Deka, N. I. Smith, S.-W. Chu*, and K. Fujita*, “Using nonlinear scattering of near-infrared light for imaging plasmonic nanoparticles in deep tissue” ACS Photonics 7, 2139–2146 (2020)
- T. Zhang, Y. Che, K. Chen, J. Xu, Y. Xu, T. Wen, G. Lu, X. Liu, C. Wei, B. Wang, X. Xu, Y.-S. Duh, Y.-L. Tang, J. Han, Y. Cao, B. Guan, S.-W. Chu*, X. Li*, “Anapole Mediated Giant Photothermal Nonlinearity for Super-Localization Nanoscopy” Nature Communications, 11, 3027 (2020)
- C. Huang, K.-J. Hsu, H.-Y. Lin, and S.-W. Chu*, “Novel Optical Microscopies to Unravel Brain Function,” AAPPS Bulletin, 30, 22 (2020) Invited Focus article, selected as Cover Image
- S.-W. Chu “Optical microscopy approaches angstrom precision, in 3D!”, Light Sci. Appl. 8, 117 (2019) Invited News and Views article
- T. C. Jagadale, D. Murali, and S.-W. Chu*, “Nonlinear absorption and scattering of a single plasmonic nanostructure characterized by x-scan technique” Beilstein J. Nanotech. 10, 2182–2191 (2019). Invited to special issue “Optically and electrically driven nanoantennas".
- C. Huang, C.-Y. Tai, K.-P. Yang, W.-K. Chang, K.-J. Hsu, C.-C. Hsiao, S.-C. Wu, Y.-Y. Lin*, A.-S. Chiang*, and S.-W. Chu*, “All-optical volumetric physiology for connectomics in dense neuronal structures” iScience 22, 133-146 (2019)
- K.-J. Hsu, Y.-Y. Lin, Y.-Y. Lin, K. Su, K.-L. Feng, S.-C. Wu, Y.-C. Lin, A.-S. Chiang, S.-W. Chu*, “Millisecond two-photon optical ribbon imaging for small-animal functional connectome study” Opt. Lett. 44, 3190-3193 (2019). Editor’s pick
- H.-Y. Lin, L.-A. Chu, H. Yang, K.-J. Hsu, Y.-Y. Lin, K.-H. Lin, S.-W. Chu*, A.- S. Chiang, “Imaging Through the Whole Brain of Drosophila at λ/20 Super-Resolution,” iScience 14, 164-170 (2019)
- K.-J. Hsu, Y.-Y. Lin, A.-S. Chiang, S.-W. Chu*, “Optical properties of adult Drosophila brains in one-, two-, and three-photon microscopy,” Biomed. Opt. Exp. 10, 1627-1637 (2019).(the above four papers were selected by MOST press release 03/11/2020, reported by 中國時報、聯合報、自由時報、蘋果日報、經濟日報、公共電視、中央社、Taipei Times、EET Taiwan、泛科學 etc.)
- K.-H. Lin*, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Yang, H.-W. Li, C.-W. Chang, and S.-W. Chu* “Phonon Dynamics of Single Nanoparticles Studied Using Confocal Pump- Probe Backscattering” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 171906 (2018). (highlighted by NTU Landscape)
- M.-Y. Chen, M. J. Huttunen, C.-W. Kan, G. Deka, Y.-Y. Lin, C.-W. Ye, M.-J. Wu, H.-L. Liu, and S.-W. Chu* “Resonant nonlinear microscopy reveals changes in molecular level chirality in native biological tissues” Optics Communications 422, 56 (2018). (invited to special issue on Label-Free Imaging)
- G. Deka, K. Nishida, K. Mochizuki, H.-X. Ding, K. Fujita*, and S.-W. Chu*, “Resolution enhancement in deep-tissue nanoparticle imaging based on plasmonic saturated excitation microscopy” APL Photonics 3, 031301 (2018)
- K.-J. Hsu, K.-Y. Li, Y. Y. Lin, S.-W. Chu, and A.-S. Chiang, “Optimizing depth-of-field extension in optical sectioning microscopy techniques using a fast focus-tunable lens,” Opt. Express 25, 16783-16794 (2017)
- Y.-C. Tseng and S.-W. Chu*, “High spatio-temporal-resolution detection of chlorophyll fluorescence dynamics from a single chloroplast with confocal imaging fluorometer,” Plant Methods 13, 43 (2017)
- Y. Sivan* and S.-W. Chu*, “Nonlinear plasmonics at high temperatures,” Nanophotonics 6, 317-328 (2017)
- G. Deka, C.-K. Sun, K. Fujita, and S.-W. Chu*, “Nonlinear plasmonic imaging techniques and their biological applications,” Nanophotonics 6, 31-49 (2017). invited review
- P.-T. Shen, Y. Sivan, C.-W. Lin, H.-L. Liu, C.-W. Chang, and S.-W. Chu*, “Temperature- and roughness-dependent permittivity of annealed/unannealed gold films,” Opt. Express 24, 19254 (2016)
- Y.-T. Chen, P.-H. Lee, P.-T. Shen, J. Launer, R. Oketani, K.-Y. Li, Y.-T, Huang, K. Masui, S. Shoji, K. Fujita, and S.-W. Chu*, “Study of nonlinear plasmonic scattering in metallic nanoparticles” ACS Photon. 3, 1432–1439 (2016)
- P.-Y. Li, Y. Tsao, Y.-J. Liu, Z.-X. Lou, W.-L. Lee, S.-W. Chu*, and C.-W. Chang*, “Unusual imaging properties of superresolution microspheres” Opt. Express 24, 16479 (2016)
- I.-C. Su, K.-J. Hsu, P.-T. Shen, Y.-Y. Lin, and S.-W. Chu*, “3D resolution enhancement of deep-tissue imaging based on virtual spatial overlap modulation microscopy,” Opt. Express 24, 16238 (2016)
- H.-Y. Wu, Y.-T. Huang, P.-T. Shen, H. Lee, R. Oketani, Y. Yonemaru, M. Yamanaka, S. Shoji, S. Kawata, C.-W. Chang, K.-H. Lin, K. Fujita, and S.-W. Chu*, “Ultrasmall all-optical plasmonic switch and its application to superresolution imaging,” Sci. Rep. 6, 24293 (2016). Highlighted by SPIE Newsroom.
- H. Lee, K.Y. Li, Y.-T. Huang, P.-T. Shen, G. Deka, R. Oketani, Y. Yonemaru, M. Yamanaka, K. Fujita, and S.-W. Chu*, “Measurement of Scattering Nonlinearities from a Single Plasmonic Nanoparticle,” J. Vis. Exp. (107), e53338, doi:10.3791/53338 (2016)
- P.-F. Chen, C.-L. Liu, W.-K. Lin, K.-C. Chen, P.-T. Chou, and S.-W. Chu*, “Fluorescence depletion property of insulin-gold nanoclusters” Biomed. Opt. Express 6, 3066 (2015)
- G.-Y. Zhuo, K.-C. Chen, K.-W. Lai, C.-R. Wang, C.-Y. Chao, and S.-W. Chu*, “Reversible suppression of second harmonic generation in dye-doped liquid crystal by light-induced thermal phase transition on sub-micrometer scale,” J. Appl. Phys. 117, 083103 (2015)
- M. J. Huttunen, M. Partanen, G. Bautista, S.-W. Chu, and M. Kauranen, “Nonlinear optical activity effects in complex anisotropic three-dimensional media” Opt. Mater. Express 5, 11-21 (2015)
- H. Lee, R. Oketani, Y.-T. Huang, K.-Y. Li, Y. Yonemaru, M. Yamanaka, S. Kawata, K. Fujita, and S.-W. Chu*, “Point spread function analysis with saturable and reverse saturable scattering,” Opt. Express 22, 26016-26022 (2014); been selected for Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics.
- J. Y. Chen, C. Y. Ho, M. L. Lu, L. J. Chu, K. C. Chen, S. W. Chu, W. Chen, C. Y. Mou, and Y. F. Chen*, “Efficient Spin-Light Emitting Diodes Based on InGaN/GaN Quantum Disks at Room Temperature: A New Self-Polarized Paradigm,” Nano Lett. 14, 3130–3137 (2014)
- M.-Y. Chen, G.-Y. Zhuo, P.-C. Wu, T.-Y. Hsieh, T.-M. Liu, and S.-W. Chu*, “Multiphoton imaging to identify grana, stroma thylakoid, and starch inside an intact leaf,” BMC Plant Biol. 14, 175 (2014) reported by Life Science Weekly
- S.-W. Chu*, T.-Y. Su, R. Oketani, Y.-T. Huang, H.-Y. Wu, Y. Yonemaru, M. Yamanaka, H. Lee, G.-Y. Zhuo, M.-Y. Lee, S. Kawata, and K. Fujita, “Measurement of a Saturated Emission of Optical Radiation from Gold Nanoparticles: Application to an Ultrahigh Resolution Microscope,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 017402 (2014). Highlighted by APS Physics website
- G.-Y. Zhuo, H. Lee, K.-J. Hsu, Y.-Y. Lin, and S.-W. Chu*, “Study of chirality inside a biological specimen by second harmonic generation circular dichroism,” J. Microsc. 253, 183 – 190 (2014). Been selected to the Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry 2015
- S.-W. Chu*, H.-Y. Wu, Y.-T. Huang, T.-Y. Su, H. Lee, Y. Yonemaru, M. Yamanaka, R. Oketani, S. Kawata, S. Kawata, and K. Fujita, “Saturation and reverse saturation of scattering in a single plasmonic nanoparticle,” ACS Photonics 1, 32–37(2014) Highlighted by Nature Photonics
- H. Lee, K.-J. Hsu, G.-Y. Zhuo, M. J. Huttunen, M. Partanen, M. Kauranen, and S.-W. Chu*, “Chiral imaging of collagen by second harmonic generation circular dichroism,” Biomed. Opt. Express 4, 909-916 (2013) Cover; been selected for Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics
- G.-Y. Zhuo, K.-J. Hsu, T.-Y. Su, N.-H. Huang, Y.-F. Chen, and S.-W. Chu*, “Effect of Lorentz local field for optical second order nonlinear susceptibility in ZnO nanorod,” J. Appl. Phys. 111, 103112 (2012)
- T.-Y. Su, C.-S. Liao, C.-Y. Yang, Z.-Y. Zhuo, S.-Y. Chen, and S.-W. Chu*, “On the possible origin of third harmonic generation in skin,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 113702 (2011); been selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 22(7), 2011. 台灣物理研究快報
- Y.-Y. Tzeng, Z.-Y. Zhuo, M.-Y. Lee, C.-S. Liao, P.-C. Wu, C.-J. Huang, M.-C. Chan, T.-M. Liu, Y.-Y. Lin, and S.-W. Chu*, “Observation of spontaneous polarization misalignments in periodically poled crystals using second-harmonic generation microscopy”, Opt. Express 19, 11106 – 11113 (2011); been selected for Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics
- C.-S. Liao, Z.-Y. Zhuo, J.-Y. Yu, Y.-Y. Tzeng, P.-H. G. Chao, and S.-W. Chu*, “Decrimping: The first stage of collagen thermal denaturation unraveled by in situ second-harmonic-generation imaging” Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 153703 (2011). been selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 21(8), 2011
- Z.-Y. Zhuo, C.-S. Liao, C.-H. Huang, J.-Y. Yu, Y.-Y. Tzeng, W. Lo, C.-Y. Dong, Y.-C. Huang, H.-M. Lai, H.-C. Chui, and S.-W. Chu*, “Second harmonic generation imaging – A new method for unraveling molecular information of starch,” J. Struct. Biol. 171, 88-94 (2010)
- C.-Y. Chung, Y.-Y. Lin, K.-Y. Wu, W.-Y. Tai, S.-W. Chu, Y.-C. Lee, Y. Hwu, Y.-Y. Lee, “Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using a single-pass picosecond supercontinuum-seeded optical parametric amplifier,” Opt. Express 18, 6116–6122 (2010); been selected for Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, 5(7) (2010)
- J.-Y. Yu, C.-S. Liao, Z.-Y. Zhuo, C.-H. Huang, H.-C. Chui, and S.-W. Chu, “A diffraction-limited scanning system providing broad spectral range for laser scanning microscopy,” Rev. Sci. Instr. 80, 113704 (2009)
- Y.-W. Tzeng, Y.-Y. Lin, J.-M. Liu, C.-H. Huang, H.-C. Chui, H.-L. Liu, J. M. Stone, J. C. Knight, and S.-W. Chu*, “Broadband tunable optical parametric amplification from a single 50-MHz ultrafast fiber laser,” Opt. Express 17, 7304–7309 (2009); been selected for Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, 4(6), 2009
- S.-W. Chu*, S.-P, Tai, T.-M. Liu, C.-K. Sun, and C.-H. Lin, “Selective imaging in SHG microscopy by emission anisotropy,” J. Biomed. Opt. 14, 010504 (2009); been selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 17(5), 2009.
- C.-H. Huang, H.-Y. Lin, C.-H. Lin, H.-C. Chui, Y.-C. Lan, and S.-W. Chu*, “The phase-response effect of size-dependent optical enhancement in a single nanoparticle,” Opt. Express 16, 9580-9586 (2008); been selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 16(4), 2009
- J.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Yu, S.-W. Chu, L.-F. Wang, C.-K. Sun, and B.-L. Chiang, “Noninvasive in vitro and in vivo assessment of epidermal hyperkeratosis and dermal fibrosis in atopic dermatitis,” J. Biomed. Opt. 14, 014008 (2009)
林俊達 (Guin-Dar, Lin)
- Wen-Han Png, Ting Hsu, Tze-Wei Liu, Guin-Dar Lin, Ming-Shien Chang, Quantum computing with trapped ions: An overview. IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (2022). Accepted
- H. H. Jen, G.-D. Lin, and Y.-C. Chen, Resonant dipole-dipole interactions in electromagnetically induced transparency. Phys. Rev. A 105, 063711 (2022).
- Y.-C. Shen and G.-D. Lin*, Scalable quantum computing stabilised by optical tweezers on an ion crystal. New Journal of Physics 22, 053032 (2020)
- H. H. Jen*, M.-S. Chang, G.-D. Lin, and Y.-C. Chen, Subradiance dynamics in a singly excited chirally coupled atomic chain. Phys. Rev. A 101, 023830 (2020)
- T. H. Chang, G.-D. Lin and H.-H. Jen*, Spectral shaping of the biphoton state from multiplexed thermal atomic ensembles. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53, 085403 (2020)
- Kuan-Ting Lin, Ting Hsu, Chen-Yu Lee, Io-Chun Hoi, Guin-Dar Lin*, Scalable collective Lamb shift of a 1D superconducting qubit array in front of a mirror. Scientific Reports 9, 19175 (2019)
- P. Y. Wen*, K.-T. Lin*, A. F. Kockum*, B. Suri, H. Ian, J. C. Chen, S. Y. Mao, C. C. Chiu, P. Delsing, F. Nori, G.-D. Lin, and I.-C. Hoi*, Large collective Lamb shift of two distant superconducting artificial atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 233602 (2019)
- T. H. Chang, G.-D. Lin, and H. H. Jen*, Spectrally entangled biphoton state of cascade emissions from a Doppler-broadened atomic ensemble. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 52(13), 135501 (2019)
- Yen-Yu Lai, Guin-Dar Lin, Jason Twamley, and Hsi-Sheng Goan*, Single-nitrogen-vacancy-center quantum memory for a superconducting flux qubit mediated by a ferromagnet, Phys. Rev. A 97, 052303 (May, 2018)
- G.-D. Lin* and Luming Duan, Sympathetic cooling in a large ion crystal, Quantum Information Processing 15, 5299--5313 (December, 2016)
- Ching-Kit Chan*, G.-D. Lin, Susanne F. Yelin, and Mikhail D. Lukin, Quantum interference between independent reservoirs in open quantum systems, Phys. Rev. A 89, 042117 (April, 2014)
- G.-D. Lin* and S. F. Yelin*, Vibrational spectroscopy of polar molecules with superradiance, Molecular Physics, 111:12-13, 1917-1922 (2013)
- Simcha Korenblit, Dvir Kafri, Wess C. Campbell, Rajibul Islam, Emily E. Edwards, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Guin-Dar Lin, Luming Duan, Jungsang Kim, Kihwan Kim, and Chris Monroe*, Quantum simulation of spin models on an arbitrary lattice with trapped ions, New Journal of Physics 14, 095024 (September, 2012)
- G.-D. Lin and S. F. Yelin, Superradiance: an integrated approach to cooperative effects in various systems, Advances in Atomic Molecular Optical Physics 61, Elsevier, Chapter 6, p295--329 (July, 2012). ISBN: 978-0-12-396482-3
- G.-D. Lin and S. F. Yelin, Superradiance in spin-j particles: Effects of multiple levels, Phys. Rev. A 85, 033831 (March, 2012)
- K. Kim, S. Korenblit, R. Islam, E. E. Edwards, M.-S. Chang, C. Noh, H. Carmichael, G.-D. Lin, L.-M. Duan, C. C. Joseph Wang, J. K. Freericks, and C. Monroe, Quantum simulation of the transverse Ising model with trapped ions, New Journal of Physics 13, 105003 (October, 2011)
- G.-D. Lin and L.-M. Duan, Equilibration and temperature distribution in a driven ion chain, New Journal of Physics 13, 075015 (July, 2011)
- R. Islam, E. E. Edwards, K. Kim, S. Korenblit, C. Noh, H. Carmichael, G.-D. Lin, L.-M. Duan, C.-C. Wang, J. K. Freericks and C. Monroe, Onset of a Quantum Phase Transition with a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator, Nature Communications 2, 377 (July, 2011)
- G.-D. Lin, C. Monroe, and L.-M. Duan, Sharp phase transition in a small frustrated network of trapped ion spins, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 230402 (June, 2011)
- Zhe-Xuan Gong, G.-D. Lin, and L.-M. Duan, Temperature-driven structural phase transition for trapped ions and a proposal for its experimental detection, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 265703 (December, 2010)
- E. E. Edwards, S. Korenblit, K. Kim, R. Islam, M.-S. Chang, J. K. Freericks, G.-D. Lin, L.-M. Duan, and C. Monroe, Quantum simulation and phase diagram of the transverse-field Ising model with three atomic spins, Phys. Rev. B 82, 060412 (August, 2010)
- K. Kim, M.-S. Chang, S. Korenblit, R. Islam, E. E. Edwards, J. K. Freericks, G.-D. Lin, L.-M. Duan and C. Monroe, Quantum simulation of frustrated Ising spins with trapped ions, Nature 465, 590 (June, 2010)
- G.-D. Lin, S.-L. Zhu, R. Islam, K. Kim, M.-S. Chang, S. Korenblit, C. Monroe, L.-M. Duan, Large-scale quantum computation in an anharmonic linear ion trap, Europhys. Lett. 86, 60004 (June, 2009)
- Wei Zhang, G.-D. Lin, L.-M. Duan, Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a trapped quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 78, 043617 (October, 2008)
- Wei Zhang, G.-D. Lin, L.-M. Duan, BCS-BEC crossover of a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gas: the significance of dressed molecules, Phys. Rev. A 77, 063613 (June, 2008)
- G.-D. Lin, Wei Zhang, and L.-M. Duan, Characteristics of Bose-Einstein condensation in an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 77, 043626 (April, 2008)
- W. Yi, G.-D. Lin, and L.-M. Duan, Signal of Bose condensation in an optical lattice at finite temperature, Phys. Rev. A 76, 031602(R) (September, 2007)
- G.-D. Lin, W. Yi, and L.-M. Duan, Superfluid shells for trapped fermion with mass and population imbalance, Phys. Rev. A 74, 031604(R) (September, 2006)
金必耀 (Bih-Yaw, Jin)
- Ho, H.-H.; Chuang, C., Jin, B.-Y. "Constructing Bead Models of Smoothly Varying Carbon Nanotori with Constant Radii and Related Intersecting Structures" Proceedings of Bridges: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture, 2021, 331
- Jin, B.-Y “Bead-Chain Construction Set and Interlocking Puzzle Inspired by Polyhedranes “ Proceedings of Bridges: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture Culture, 2019, 553
- Liu, T.-J.; Peng, S.-M.; Jin, B.-Y. "Hemihelices on molecular scale: Extended metal atom chains with helical perversions in ligands" New J. Chem, 2019, 43, 16089
- Chang, Y.-W.; Jin, B.-Y., "Polarized excitons and optical activity in single-wall carbon nanotubes" Phys. Rev. B, 2018, 97, 205413
- Ou, J.-H.; Jin, B.-Y. Band Structures of Quasi-One-Dimensional Incommensurate Helical Systems: A Case Study of Infinite Chromium Extended Metal Atom Chain, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2018, 122, 9199
- Chang, Y.-W.; Jin, B.-Y. "Theory of charge transport through molecular junctions: role of electron correlation" Chem. Phys. 2017, 146, 134113
- Tsoo, C.-C.; Jin, B.-Y. "Designing Skeletal Polyhedral Sculptures Inspired by Octet-Truss Systems and Structural Inorganic Chemistry with Bugle Beads" Proceedings of Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science 2017, 483-486
- Katz, E. A.; Jin, B.-Y. "Fullerenes, Polyhedra and Chinese Guardian Lions" Mathematical Intelligencer 2016, 38, 61-68
- Varadwaj, P. R., Varadwaj, A., Jin, B.-Y. "Ligand(s)-to-Metal Charge Transfer as a Factor Controlling the Equilibrium Constants of Late First-row Transition Metal Complexes: Revealing the Irving-Williams Thermodynamical Series" Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17, 805 - 811
- Chuang, C.; Guang, J.; Witalka, D.; Zhu, Z., Jin, B.-Y.; Tomanek, D. "Relative Stability and Local Curvature Analysis in Carbon Nanotori" Rev. B. 2015, 91, 165433
- Chang, Yao-Wen; Jin, B.-Y., "Theory of Charge Transport Through Molecular Junctions: From Coulomb Blockade to Coherent Tunneling" Chem. Phys. 2014, 141, 064111
- Shen, Y.; Ko, H.-Y.; Ai, Q.; Peng, S.-M.; Jin, B.-Y., "Molecular Split-Ring Resonators Based on Metal String Complexes" Phys. Chem. C. 2014, 118, 3766–3773
- Shen, Y.; Jin, B.-Y. "Correspondence Between Gentile Oscillators and N-Annulenes" Phys. Chem. A. 2013, 117, 12540-12545
- Chang, Y.-W.; Jin, B.-Y. "Self-Interaction Correction to GW Approximation" Physica Scripta 2012, 86, 065301
- Chang, Y.-W.; Jin, B.-Y. "Correlation Effects of π Electrons on the Band Structures of Conjugated Polymers using the Self-Consistent GW Approximation with Vertex Correction" Chem. Phys. 2012, 136, 024110
- Chuang, C.; Jin, B.-Y.; Tsoo, C.-C.; Tang, N. Y.-Wa; Cheung, M. P. S.; Cuccia, L. A. "Molecular Modeling of Fullerenes with Beads" Chem. Edu. 2012, 89, 414–416
楊超強 (Chaw-Keong, Yong)
- Philipp Merkl+, Chaw K. Yong+*, M. Liebich, I. Hoffmann, E. Malic, R. Huber* Proximity control of the interlayer exciton-phonon hybridization in van der Waals heterostructures Nature Communications (2021) editor's highlight
- P. Merkl, F. Mooshammer, S. Brem, A. Girnghuber, K-Q Lin, L. Weigl, Chaw K. Yong, R. Gillen, J. Maultzsch, J. M. Lupton, E. Malic*, R. Huber*Twist-tailoring Coulomb correlation in van der Waals homobilayers Nature Communications (2020)
- Chaw K. Yong*+, M. Iqbal Bakti Utama+, Chin Shen Ong, Ting Cao, Emma C. Regan, Jason Horng, Yuxia Shen, Hui Cai, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Sefaattin Tongay, Hui Deng, Alex Zettl, Steven G. Louie, Feng Wang* Valley-Dependent Exciton Fine Structure and Autler-Townes Doublets from Berry Phases in Monolayer MoSe2 Nature Materials (2019)
- T.H. Thomas, J.P.H. Rivett, Q. Gu, D. J. Harkin, J. M. Richter, A. Sadhanala, Chaw K. Yong, S. Schott, K. Broch, J. Armitage, A. J. Gillett, S. M. Menke, A. Rao, D. Credgington, H. Sirringhaus* Chain Coupling and Luminescence in High-Mobility, Low-disorder Conjugated Polymers ACS Nano (2019)
- Chaw K. Yong*+, J. Horng+, Y. Shen, H. Cai, A. Wang, C. Yang, C. Lin, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. Tongay, F. Wang* Biexcitonic Optical Stark Effects in Monolayer Molybdenum Diselenide Nature Physics (2018)
- Chaw K. Yong*, A. Musser, S. L. Bayliss, S. Lukman, H. Tamaru, O. Bubnova, R. K. Hallani, A. Meneau, R. Resel, M. Maruyama, S. Hotta, L. M. Herz, D. Beljonne, J. E. Anthony, J. Clarke*, H. Sirringhaus* The Entangled Triplet Pair State in Acene and Heteroacene Materials Nature Communication (2017)
- D. J. Harkin, K. Broch, M. Schreck, H. Ceymann, A. Stoy, Chaw K. Yong, M. Nilkolka, I. McCulloch, N. Stingelin, C. Lambert, H. Sirringhaus* Decoupling Charge Transport and Electroluminescence in High Mobility Polymer SemiconductorAdvanced Materials (2016)
- S. Lukman, A. J. Musser, K. Chen, S. Athanasopoulos, Chaw K. Yong, Z Zeng, Q Ye, C. Chi, J. M. Hodgkiss, J. Wu, R. Friend, N. C. Greenham* Tunable Singlet Exciton Fission and Triplet-Triplet Annihilation in an Orthogonal Pentacene Dimer Advanced Functional Materials (2015)
- Chaw K. Yong, W. H. Chen, D. V. Kondratuk, P. Parkinson, A. Stannard, A. Summerfield, J. K. Sprafke, M. O'Sullivan, P. H. Beton, H. L. Anderson, and L. M. Herz* Ultrafast delocalization of excitation in synthetic light-harvesting nanorings Chemical Science (2014)
- Chaw K. Yong, J. L. Wong, H. J. Joyce, Q. Gao, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, M. B. Johnston, and L. M. Herz* Direct Observation of Charge-Carrier Heating at WZ-ZB Type-II InP Nanowire Heterojunctions Nano Letters (2013)
- Chaw K. Yong, K. Noori, Q. Gao, H. J. Joyce, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, F. Giustino, M. B. Johnston, and L. M. Herz* Strong Carrier Lifetime Enhancement in GaAs Nanowires by Semiconducting Polymers in Type-II Heterojunctions Nano Letters (2012)
- H. J. Joyce, J. L. Wong, Chaw K. Yong, Q. Gao, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, L. M. Herz, and M. B. Johnston* Ultralow Surface Recombination Velocity in InP Nanowires Probed by Terahertz Spectroscopy Nano Letters (2012)
- S. D. Stranks, Chaw K. Yong, J. Alexander-Webber, C. Weisspfennig, M. B. Johnston, L. M. Herz, and R. J. Nicholas* Nanoengineering Coaxial Carbon Nanotube Dual-Polymer Heterostructures ACS Nano (2012).
- Chaw K. Yong, H. J. Joyce, J. Lloyd-Hughes, Q. Gao, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, M. B. Johnston, and L.M. Herz* Ultrafast Dynamics of Exciton Formation in Semiconductor Nanowires Small (2012)
- J. K. Sprafke, D. V. Kondratuk, M. Wykes, A. L. Thompson, M. Hoffmann, R. Drevinskas, W. H. Chen, Chaw K. Yong, J. Karnbratt, J. E. Bullock, M. Malfois, M. R. Wasielewski, B. Albinsson, L. M. Herz, D. Zigmantas, D. Beljonne, and H. L. Anderson* Belt-shaped pi-systems – relating geometry to electronic structure in a six porphyrin nanoring Journal of the American Chemical Society (2011)
- M. Zhou, R. Q. Png, S. Sivaramakrishnan, P. J. Chia, Chaw K. Yong, L. L. Chua, and P. K. H. Ho* Determination of the Interface δ-hole Density in a Blue-emitting Organic Semiconductor Diode by Electromodulated Absorption Spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters (2010)
- M. Zhou, L. L. Chua, R. Q. Png, Chaw K. Yong, S. Sivaramakrishnan, P. Q. Chia, A. T. S. Wee, R. H. Friend and P. K. H. Ho* The role of Delta-Hole-Doped Interface at Ohmic Contacts to Organic Semiconductors Physical Review Letters (2009)
趙聖德 (Sheng-Der, Chao)
- H. H. Huang, Y. S. Wang and S. D. Chao*, 2022: A minimum quantum chemistry CCSD(T)/CBS dataset of dimeric interaction energies for small organic functional groups: Heterodimers. ACS Omega., 7, 20059-20080
- J.-J. Li, S.-F. Chiu, S. D. Chao*, 2021: Split beam method for determining mode shapes of cantilever beams under multiple loading conditions. Journal of Vibration and Control, X, XXX-XXX (Published online June 24, 2021)
- J.-S. Sung, S.-F. Chiu, S. D. Chao* and Arvin H.-T. Li, 2021: A simulation study of the electrothermal effect on cyclic voltammetric detection efficiency of methamphetamine in a microfluidic sensor. Multiscale Science and Engineering, 3, 155-164
- Y. M. Chang, Y. S. Wang and S. D. Chao*, 2020: A minimum quantum chemistry CCSD(T)/CBS dataset of dimeric interaction energies for small organic functional groups. J. Chem. Phys., 153, 154301/13
- A. H.-T. Li, Y. S. Wang and S. D. Chao*, 2019: Molecular dynamics simulations with ab initio force fields: A review of case studies on CH4, CCl4, CHF3, and CHCl3 dimers. Multiscale Science Engineering, 1, 26-33
- S. F. Chiu* and S. D. Chao*, 2018/7: Coarse-Grained Simulations Using a Multipolar Force Field Model. Materials, 11, 1328/15. (▲:0;SCI: 2.467;5YIF :3.325) MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(111/285)
- Y. H. Chen and S. D. Chao*, 2018/6: Negative mass can be positively useful in quantum mechanics. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 65, 654-666. (▲:0;SCI: 0.935;5YIF :0.818) CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(129/166)
- Y. H. Chen and S. D. Chao*, 2018/4: The kinetic energy partition method applied to a confined quantum harmonic oscillator in a one-dimensional box. Chin. J. Phys. (Taipei), 56, 584-592. (▲:0;SCI: 0.514;5YIF :0.479) PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(67/79)
- Y. H. Chen and S. D. Chao*, 2018/1: Solving many-body Schroedinger equations with kinetic energy partition method. Ann. Phys. (N. Y.), 388, 54-68 (▲:0;SCI: 2.367;5YIF: 2.231) PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(20/78)
- S. F. Chiu, J. J. Wang, S. C. Wang, and S. D. Chao*, 2017/8: Enhancement of Sea Wave Potential Energy with Under-Sea Periodic Structures: A Simulation and Laboratory Study. Applied Sciences, 7, 782/13. (▲:0;SCI: 1.679;5YIF :1.913) PHYSICS, APPLIED (75/148)
- Y. C. Ho, Y. S. Wang and S. D. Chao*, 2017/8: Molecular dynamics simulations of fluid cyclopropane with MP2/CBS-fitted intermolecular interaction potentials. J. Chem. Phys., 147, 064507/9.(▲:1;SCI: 2.965;5YIF :2.907) PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR & CHEMICAL (10/36)
- Y. D. Lin, Y. S. Wang and S. D. Chao*, 2017/9: Comparative studies of density functionals in modelling hydrogen bonding energetics of acrylamide dimers. Coupled Systems Mechanics, 6, 369-376
- Z. Y. Zeng, Y. S. Wang and S. D. Chao*, 2017/8: Hydrogen bonded dimers of small alkyl substituted amides: Structures, energetics, and spectral analyses based on density functional theory calculations. Comp. Theo. Chem., 1113, 1-7. (▲:2;SCI: 1.549;5YIF :1.355) CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL (101/146)
- Y. H. Chen and S. D. Chao*, 2017/3: Kinetic energy partition method applied to ground state helium-like atoms. J. Chem. Phys., 146, 124120/7.(▲:4;SCI: 2.965;5YIF :2.907) PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR & CHEMICAL (10/36)
- Y. H. Chen and S. D. Chao*, 2017/6: The kinetic energy partition method applied to quantum eigenvalue problems with many harmonic-oscillator potentials. J. Math. Chem., 55, 1322-1341. (▲:4;SCI: 1.308;5YIF :1.001) MATHEMATICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS (50/100)
- Y. S. Wang, K. L. Shen and S. D. Chao*, 2017/6: A density functional theory study of double proton transfer reactions in formamide, formamide-formic acid and formic acid dimers. Chin. J. Phys. (Taipei), 55, 719-728. (▲:0;SCI: 0.514;5YIF :0.479) PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(67/79)
- S. D. Chao*, 2017/3: Einstein’s Sigh: Hidden Symmetry in Einstein’s Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation. Euro. J. Phys., 38, 025601/11. (▲:1;SCI: 0.614;5YIF :0.649) EDUCATION, SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES(34/41)
- Y. H. Chen and S. D. Chao*, 2017/3: A split kinetic energy solution scheme applied to various delta potentials in quantum mechanical systems. Coupled Systems Mechanics, 6, 17-28 (2017) [ Transferred from Multiscale Multiphysics Mechanics, 1, 189-200 (2016) due to journal merging]
- Y. S. Wang, Y. D. Lin and S. D. Chao*, 2016/12: Hydrogen bonding structures and energetics of acrylamide isomers, tautomers and dimers: An ab initio study and spectral analysis. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 63, 968-976. [Cover picture DOI: 10.1002/jccs.201681201]
- S. D. Chao*, 2016/9: Lorentz transformations from intrinsic Symmetries Symmetry, 8, 94/6.
- A. H.-T. Li and S. D. Chao*, 2016/3: A Refined Intermolecular Interaction Potential for Methane: Spectral Analysis and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 63, 282-289
- Y. S. Wang, C. C. Yin, and S. D. Chao*, 2014/10: Intermolecular interactions of trifluorohalomethanes with Lewis bases in the gas phase: An ab initio study. J. Chem. Phys. 141, 134308/9
- Y.-H. Huang, J.-S. Chang*, S. D. Chao, K.-C. Wu, L.-S. Huang, 2014/9: Improving the Binding Efficiency of QCM Biosensors by Applying the Electrothermal Effect. Biomicrofluidics, 8, 054116/13
- H. Mineo, S. D. Chao*, 2014/11: Kinetic Energy Partition Method for Competing Modes. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 61, 1205-1210
- Y. D. Chen, A. H.-T. Li, Y. S. Wang and S. D. Chao*, 2013/12: Molecular dynamics simulations of liquid water structure and diffusivity. Chin. J. Phys. (Taipei), 51, 1218-1229
- C. C. Yin, A. H.-T. Li and S. D. Chao*, 2013/11: Liquid chloroform structure from computer simulation with a full ab initio intermolecular interaction potential. J. Chem. Phys. 139, 194501/7
- Q. Wang, Y. A. Dyakov, D. Wu, D. D. Zhang, M. X. Jin, F. C. Liu, H. Liu, Z. Hu, D. J. Ding*, H. Mineo, Y. Teranishi, S. D. Chao, S. H. Lin, O. K. Kosheleva, A. M. Mebel*, 2013/10: Ionization/dissociation processes of methyl-substituted derivates of cyclopentanone in intense femtosecond laser field. Chem. Phys. Lett. 586, 21-28
- H. Mineo, S. D. Chao*, T. Kato , K. Yamanouchi, 2013/10: Breakdown of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation as a Physical Mechanism for Ultrafast Hydrogen Migrations in Strong Laser Driven Molecules. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 60, 1207-1211.
K. R. Huang, J. S. Chang*, S. D. Chao*, and K. C Wu, 2012/12: Beam model and three dimensional numerical simulations on suspended microchannel resonators. AIP Advances, 2, 042176/21 - Y. C. Tseng, J. S. Chang*, S. M. Lin, S. D. Chao, C. H. Liu, 2012/8: 3,4-Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine detection using a microcantilever-based biosensor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 182, 163-167
- H. Mineo and S. D. Chao*, 2012/9: Split Kinetic Energy Method for Quantum Systems with Competing Potentials. Ann. Phys. (N. Y.), 327, 2061-2072
- S. B. Wang, A. H.-T. Li, S. D. Chao*, 2012/4: Liquid properties of dimethyl ether from molecular dynamics simulations using ab initio force fields. J. Comp. Chem., 33, 998-1003
- Y. L. Niu, C. K. Lin, C. Y. Zhu*, H. Mineo, S. D. Chao, Y. Fujimura, M. Hayashi, and S. H. Lin, 2012/4: Density matrix method and ultrafast processes. Sci. China Chem., 55, 579-593
- K.-R. Huang, J.-S. Chang*, S. D. Chao, T.-S. Wung, and K.-C. Wu, 2012/4: Study of Active Micromixer Driven by Electrothermal Force. Japan. J. App. Phys., 51, 047002/7.
- H. Mineo, Y. H. Wang, S. D. Chao*, S. H. Lin, 2012/3: Autoionization rate constants of zero electron kinetic energy Rydberg states. Chem. Phys., 397, 74-81.
- H. Mineo, M. Kanno, H. Kono, S. D. Chao, S. H. Lin, Y. Fujimura*, 2012/1: Ultrafast Coherent Dynamics of Nonadiabatically Coupled Quasi-degenerate Excited States in Molecules: Population and Vibrational Coherence Transfers. Chem. Phys., 392, 136-142
- Y. H. Chung, A. H.-T. Li, S. D. Chao*, 2011/8: Computer simulation of trifluoromethane properties with ab initio force fields. J. Comp. Chem., 32, 2414-2421
- Y. S. Wang and S. D. Chao*, 2011/3/10: Structures and Energetics of Neutral and Ionic Silicon-Germanium Clusters: Density Functional Theory and Coupled Cluster Studies. J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 1472-1485
- Y. H. Wang, H. Mineo, S. D. Chao*, H. L. Selzle, H. J. Neusser, E. W. Schlag, Y. Teranishi, and S. H. Lin, 2011/2/14: A master equation approach to the dynamics of zero electron kinetic energy (ZEKE) states and ZEKE spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys , 134, 064316/13
- A. H.-T. Li*, S. D. Chao*, C. C. Chang, 2010/12/29: Determination of a silane intermolecular force field potential model from an ab initio calculation. Phys. Rev. A, 82, 062520/5
- P. J. Liao, J. S. Chang*, S. D. Chao*, H. C. Chang, K. R. Huang, K. C. Wu, T. S. Wung, 2010/12: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Immunoassay of Human Immunoglobulin using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance. Sensors, 10, 11498-11511
- H. Mineo*, Y. Teranishi*, S. D. Chao, and S. H. Lin, 2010/10/20: Ultrafast electronic motion in hydrogen molecular ions induced by a high power intense laser. Chem. Phys. Lett , 499, 45-50
- Y. H. Wang, Y. Teranishi, H. Mineo, S. D. Chao*, H. L. Selzle, H. J. Neusser, E. W. Schlag, S. H. Lin, 2010/2/12 : Theoretical Studies of ZEKE Spectroscopy and Dynamics of High Rydberg States. Chem. Phys Lett , 486, 104-109
- A. H.-T. Li, S. C. Huang, and S. D. Chao*, 2010/1/14: Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid carbon tetrachloride using ab initio force field. J. Chem. Phys, 132, 024506/7
- S. W. Chao, A. H.-T. Li, S. D. Chao*, 2009/9: Molecular dynamics simulations of fluid methane properties using ab initio intermolecular interaction potentials. J. Comp. Chem., 30, 1839-1849
- Q. Q. Wang, H. Mineo, D. Wu, M. X. Jin, C. H. Chin, Y. Teranishi, S. D. Chao, D. Ding*, S. H. Lin, 2009/8: Molecular ionization of cyclohexanone in femtosecond laser fields: An application of ADK theory. LASER PHYSICS., 19, 1671-1676. [Special issue to Prof. N. B. Delone]
- Q. Q. Wang, D. Wu, D. D. Zhang, M. X. Jin, F. C. Liu, H. Liu, Z. Hu, D. J. Ding*, H. Mineo, Y. A. Dyakov, Y. Teranishi, S. D. Chao, A. M. Mebel, S. H. Lin, 2009/7/9: Ionization and Dissociation Processes of Pyrrolidine in Intense Femtosecond Laser Field. J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 11805-11815. [Special issue to Prof. H. Masuhara]
- A. H.-T. Li, S. D. Chao*, 2009/3/15: Interaction energies of dispersion-bound methane dimer from coupled cluster method at complete basis set limit. J. Mol. Struc.: THEOCHEM, 897, 90-94